Annabelle Rau

Annabelle Rau focuses on banking and financial services law, European financial supervisory law, and corporate law. Her advisory practice ranges from issues related to the regulation of traditional financial services to new FinTech business models, including crypto regulation. In addition, Annabelle Rau advises several listed companies on their general meetings and ongoing capital markets legal obligations.

ZuFinG II – The Next Step Towards Strengthening Germany as a Financial Hub?

Von am Oct 10, 2024
Gepostet In Banking Law, Crypto Regulation, Financial Services, Payment Services

Following the initial steps with the Future Financing Act (“ZuFinG I“), the Federal Ministry of Finance presented the draft of the Second Future Financing Act (“ZuFinG II-E” and “Draft Bill“) on 27 August 2024. The Draft Bill aims to further develop the German financial market and revise some of the existing regulations. The primary focus is on facilitating access to the capital markets and relieving financial actors from excessive bureaucracy. New Regulations for Payment Service Providers Regarding Customer Funds Payment service providers are required to safeguard customer funds they receive according to the methods outlined in the German Payment Services Supervision...


Annabelle Rau in Cointelegraph: An EU perspective on the Supreme Court’s Loper Bright decision

Von am Jul 18, 2024
Gepostet In MiCAR

Annabelle Rau comments in Cointelegraph on the judgement in the Loper Bright vs Raimondo case and its significance for the crypto industry from an EU perspective . Read her expert assessment of the US Supreme Court’s decision here.


From payment service providers to professional football clubs: New EU regulations to combat money laundering adopted

Von am Apr 30, 2024
Gepostet In Banking Supervision, Crypto Regulation, Financial Services, Money laundering, Payment Services

On April 24, 2024, the European Parliament adopted a new anti-money laundering legislative package to strengthen the EU’s tools to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. The package includes • the sixth Anti-Money Laundering Directive (“AMLD6”) as well as • the EU Regulation on a Single Rulebook and • a new central supervisory authority. Extended access to beneficial ownership data A key aspect of the new legislation is to ensure that persons with a legitimate interest – including journalists, civil society organizations, supervisory authorities and other relevant stakeholders – have direct and unhindered access to beneficial ownership data. This information,...


Update for crypto asset service providers: Draft bill to transfer German crypto regulation to the EU MiCAR regime

Von am Apr 24, 2024
Gepostet In Crypto Regulation, Financial Services


Are You Ready for MiCAR? – Webinar on the Introduction to the new EU Crypto Regulation

Von and am Feb 9, 2024
Gepostet In Crypto Regulation, MiCAR

We had the pleasure to host our webinar on the new regulation of crypto-assets in the EU (Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCAR)), with a focus on the scope of MiCAR, licensing requirements and procedures, and obligations for crypto-asset service providers in the EU. Our experts, specializing in Financial Regulatory Law with a focus on the current crypto regulation, engaged in discussions regarding the upcoming changes due to MiCAR in 2024. The seminar was targeted at all those who were (or aspired to be) involved in the crypto scene or provided services in this domain, seeking insights into compliance with the...


FinmadiG and KMAG – Implementation of European crypto-financial market regulation in Germany

Von am Jan 29, 2024
Gepostet In Crypto Regulation, Financial Services

The German legislator has responded to the harmonization of European financial market regulations: In October 2023, the Federal Ministry of Finance published the draft bill for the Act on the Digitization of the Financial Market (Finanzmarktdigitalisierungsgesetz – “FinmadiG“), followed by the publication of the government draft of the FinmadiG just one month later. MiCAR, DORA and money transfers – what does the FinmadiG implement? The FinmadiG is intended to implement the following EU regulations on digital financial market regulation: Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (“MiCAR”): The first EU-wide uniform set of rules for markets in crypto assets (we provided information here, for example) The EU DORA...


Update for securities institutions: German Securities Institutions Owner Control Ordi-nance published

Von am Jan 17, 2024
Gepostet In Banking Law, Financial Services

On January 15, 2024, the German Securities Institutions Owner Control Ordinance was published in the Federal Law Gazette and thus entered into force today, January 16, 2024. Owner control procedures for securities institutions The Securities Institutions Owner Control Ordinance regulates the material and formal requirements for the acquisition of a significant shareholding in a regulated securities institution (so-called owner control procedure). A significant or qualified shareholding is defined as the direct or indirect holding of shares in a company that represents at least 10% of the capital or voting rights of this company or that otherwise enables the exercise of...


What To Expect From The EU’s New PSD3, PSR AND FIDA Regulations

Von and am Nov 8, 2023
Gepostet In EU

The Payment Services Directive II (PSD2) has changed the payment services industry in Europe. However, many details remain open and impractical and the implementation of the directive and the administrative practices of local financial supervisory authorities differ greatly in some cases. A reform is now pending with PSD3, which aims for a higher degree of harmonization and will bring with it many new requirements for payment service providers.What are the most important changes and challenges facing the industry? How can payment service providers prepare? Read the article by Renate Prinz and Annabelle Rau to find out how the planned PSD...


United Kingdom’s digital pound meets public backlash – Why?

Von am Jul 17, 2023
Gepostet In Financial Services

It’s not only the EU with its plans for a digital Euro that’s addressing the matter of Central Bank Digital Currency (“CBDC“). The UK has also unveiled an ambitious roadmap for the introduction of a ‘Britcoin’ by 2030. In a conversation with Cointelegraph, Annabelle Rau sheds light on the impacts of CBDCs on privacy, financial inclusion, and the risks of bank runs. Follow this link to the full version of the article on Cointelegraph.


ESG, home office and real estate transactions – BaFin publishes 7th MaRisk amendment

Von am Jul 6, 2023
Gepostet In Banking Law

The German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (“BaFin“) published the seventh amendment to the Minimum Requirements for Risk Management of Banks (“MaRisk“) on June 29, 2023. The MaRisk codify BaFin’s administrative practice on risk management for German banks, in particular with respect to business organization and outsourcing, and in doing so substantiates the statutory requirements of Section 25a of the German Banking Act (“KWG“). The amendments range from requirements of the European Banking Authority (“EBA“) for lending and monitoring to exceptions for securities trading in the home office and the managing of ESG and real estate risks. Loans: New stricter requirements...
