Financial Regulatory News
Financial Regulatory News

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DORA Check

Digital threats and cyberattacks are increasing every year. In 2023, digital threats caused damages of more than €200 billion in Germany, of which 72% resulted from cyberattacks (source: Bitkom, study on economic protection 2023). To counter the threat to the system-critical financial sector, the EU has decided to implement a uniform, high level of security. The  Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)  is the answer.

The regulation on digital operational resilience is intended to reduce the risks arising from the ever-increasing dependence on information and communication technology in the financial sector. In particular, DORA is expected to reduce the risk [...]

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What To Expect From The EU’s New PSD3, PSR AND FIDA Regulations

The Payment Services Directive II (PSD2) has changed the payment services industry in Europe. However, many details remain open and impractical and the implementation of the directive and the administrative practices of local financial supervisory authorities differ greatly in some cases. A reform is now pending with PSD3, which aims for a higher degree of harmonization and will bring with it many new requirements for payment service providers.What are the most important changes and challenges facing the industry? How can payment service providers prepare? Read the article by Renate Prinz and Annabelle Rau to find out how the planned PSD [...]

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